Maria Törnfelt, Digital Editor Skin Concept

Skin Concepts faced challenges in expanding the reach of their Jane Iredale brand and engaging with a younger audience for their established brand, Dermalogica. Read about how they overcame these obstacles and successfully reached new customers with the help of Boostified Pay. 

"Boostified is a user-friendly platform that offers swift campaign setup and convenient participant selection. Best of all, it's completely flexible!"

By leveraging Boostified Pay, Skin Concept significantly boosted brand awareness through authentic collaborations and generated valuable social media content.

"I really appreciate the capability to sort our preferred profiles into separate lists. It's incredibly helpful when we want to partner with them again!"

"Thanks to Boostified Pay, we've increased brand awareness for our brand Jane Iredale and Dermalogica while sourcing high-quality content for our social media channels." - Maria Törnfelt

Explore how Skin Concept efficiently locates collaborators and swiftly engages potential creators using Boostified Pay.

Highlighting UGC Collaborations with JANE IREDALE

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